Terms of service

As a member and/or event registrant, I agree to the following terms and conditions:

Code of Conduct

  • I acknowledge that all information provided by me, for the purpose of registration or any other purpose, is true and accurate.

  • I agree to embrace Islamic values of kindness and respect in all interactions with fellow members and attendees, including CMGA directors and officers, during golfing, networking events, and through electronic communications.

  • I agree to comply with the rules of golf during tournaments and other golfing events to the best of my knowledge and ability, or when I am informed of any etiquette not being followed.

  • I agree to adhere to the highest ethical and sportsmanship standards on the golf course and at any other golfing event.

  • I will address any concerns to the CMGA team in a respectful manner, refraining from defaming or spreading misinformation about CMGA or its members through any channel.

Membership Dues (Applicable only for Membership sign-up)

  • I understand that Membership dues are annual and non-refundable.

  • I understand that Membership dues are non-transferable.

  • I understand that all benefits offered to CMGA members are provided impartially, unless certain events and prizes are catered specifically for either Junior or Adult members, with the objective of equitable treatment for all members.

  • I understand that Membership dues are subject to change yearly and members will be notified of any changes at least 30 days in advance of the renewal deadline.

Privacy Policy

  • I acknowledge that I willingly provide my information in all forms, signups, emails, surveys etc.

  • I acknowledge that my data will be kept confidential by CMGA and will not be shared with any third party for solicitation or marketing purposes, except for sharing any necessary information with a golf course/facility for tournament or event purposes.

Events & Tournaments Cancelation

  • I understand that CMGA may need to reschedule or cancel events due to unforeseen circumstances outside of its control.

  • I acknowledge that fees paid for such events are refundable only if the event is cancelled in its entirety.

  • I acknowledge that tournament fees are refundable up to 90 days before the event.

  • I understand that I may have the option to willingly contribute services for CMGA’s benefit, such as volunteering or providing input for event planning.

  • I acknowledge that CMGA will inform members and event registrants of any changes promptly after the occurrence.

Intellectual Property

  • I acknowledge and recognize that CMGA’s name, logo, and related content are the exclusive property of CMGA and require prior written permission for use by any means.

Safety and Liability

  • I accept responsibility for my personal belongings during CMGA events.

  • I acknowledge that CMGA is not liable for any loss, injury, or damage that may occur during any event or activity.

Participation Revocation

  • I acknowledge that CMGA and/or the facility representatives/employees have the right to remove me from the event, either before or during the event, if any clause contained in this terms and conditions is breached, or due to any conduct detrimental to CMGA.

Membership Revocation (Applicable only for Membership sign-up)

  • I acknowledge that my membership may be revoked if any clause contained in this terms and conditions is breached or any conduct detrimental to CMGA, following a review process by the Board of Directors, which will include a written notice to the member and an opportunity for the member to present their case, either orally or written, to the board.

  • I acknowledge that the reinstatement of your membership, following revocation, is at the discretion of the board.

Voting (Applicable only for Membership sign-up)

  • I acknowledge that membership does not grant voting rights on operational matters of CMGA unless a member’s vote is specifically requested for certain matters as deemed appropriate by the board.


  • I acknowledge that CMGA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions pertaining to membership or any event with a written notice to members and/or attendees.

  • I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to review and comprehend all updates.

Alcohol and Drug Use

  • I acknowledge that any alcohol and drug use is strictly prohibited at any CMGA event and will result in membership/event suspension or termination.

By becoming a member or registering for a CMGA event, you signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may lead to the suspension or termination of your membership or attendance forfeiture from the event. We are thrilled to have you be a part of the CMGA community!